Artist Call: 2024 stɑl'əw ̓ Pow Wow MMIWG2S Flag Design
stɑl'əw ̓ Arts & Cultural Society invites Indigenous community members aged 16 years and up, living within the shared lands of the q ̓ ic ̓ əy ̓ (Katzie), qʼʷa:n ̓ ƛʼən ̓ (Kwantlen),Máthxwi (Matsqui) and Se’mya’me’ (Semiahmoo) First Nations, to submit designs for the 2024 stɑl'əw ̓ Pow Wow Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women, Girls and 2 Spirit (MMIWG2S) Flag.
Intended Use of the Design:
The selected design will be used to create a MMIWG2S Flag that will be used for all the Grand Entries at this and future stɑl'əw ̓ Pow Wows.
The MMIWG2S Flag will be used as part of the Red Dress Special Dance, honouring MMIWG2S, on September 14, 2024.
The selected design will be used to create MMIWG2S t-shirts as part of stɑl'əw ̓ Pow Wow promotion, with all sales proceeds directed to support MMIWG2S awareness initiatives.
Design Requirements:
Flag Dimensions: 3’ x 5’
Submissions must be in the form of line drawing in black ink. Drawings can be submitted either in hard copy or as a digital file (jpeg, tiff, pdf). Please see attached template.
Project Timeline:
Application packages are due August 9, 2024 by 4:30 pm PST.
The selected artist will work with the graphic designer to produce a print-ready version of the flag design prior to the start of the 3rd Annual stɑl'əw ̓ Pow Wow on September 13, 2024.
1st Place: $2,000
2nd Place: $1,000
3rd Place: $500
The selected design and artist will be announced on https://www.stalewpowwow.ca and will be shared on social media.
This stɑl'əw ̓ Arts & Cultural Society project is generously funded by the SurreyCares Foundation as part of the Community Foundations of Canada Fund for Gender Equality.
2024 stɑl'əw ̓ Pow Wow MMIWG2S Flag Design Application Form
Please submit this application by 4:30 pm PST on August 9, 2024:
Download the MMIWG2S Flag Design Application Form
Please email lindsay@stalew.ca your digital or mail/hand deliver your completed hard copy application by 4:30 pm PST on August 9, 2024:
Registration Protocols
iCreeAzn Protocols, Policies & Procedures
On Friday, September 15th, registration will start at 4:00 pm iCreeAzn will close registration 15 minutes prior to the scheduled Grand Entry and will reopen for 1 hour after Grand Entry is completed.
On Saturday, September 16th, iCreeAzn will open registration at 12:00pm. The last 15mins iCreeAzn will be preparing the scanners and display for Grand Entry. Once Grand Entry starts on Saturday, registration will be permanently closed.
Registration is done electronically - Dancers fills out the required information on the tablet to receive a number. Dancer needs to double check the information being submitted. When the dancer receives their number, they are then registered in the system.
If you make a mistake and you find out later, we are more than willing to help. Please make sure to talk to us in a calm matter. Remember you were the ones that filled out registration, the tablets just sends the info to the system. This includes photo release form and acknowledgement of dancer responsibilities, If you do not initial those sections, you will not be able to continuing registering.
Some pow-wow’s require dancers to provide proof of age. Please ensure that you have ID on hand all the times. If ID is required and no ID is produced, no dancer competition number will be provided.
Grand Entry - when we scan dancers through GE, the display will show dancer number, name, and dancer category. If for any reason the display goes down, when we scan you we will call out your name as proof that we scanned you in as you pass through during GE. Make sure you know your number if you lose it. We can enter your number in GE and it will display on the screen or we will tell you your name on the spot. Any dancers that are singing and not going through GE needs to be approved before GE by the AD. No GE points will be given after the GRAND ENTRY song.
It is the dancer’s responsibility to view the display or hear us call you name when scanned through. iCreeAzn will not be held accountable for any points missing after grand entry is completed.
Tabulator will NOT be held responsible for any points not given out. It is the responsibility of the dancer to view the screen or hear your name called out while passing through the line.
If you register late and go through GE, only your number will display on the screen. Your GE points will still be accepted. On the next GE, you will see your dance number, category and your name.
Please be reminded, you must be dressed in FULL REGALIA to received GE points
No number when going through GE, no points will be assigned after GE. Points are only giving out when going through GE.
Losing / Missing number: Please make sure you know your number. We are more than happy to print you out another one it lost.
Tablet judging: When the tablet judging our system blocks out any register dancers who are dancing in the wrong category, only iCreeAzn staff is able to approve any overrides.
Remember iCreeAzn doesn't pick out judges to judge. This is the responsibility of the ADs or Head Judges. It is the responsibility of the ADs or Head Judge to ensure that the correct amount of judges are assign for each category.
iCreeAzn will NOT be responsible if there are ANY inconsistency of the amount of judges per category.
All ballots are reviewed through the computer. Any ballots are deemed as a shaft ballot, Drum boss or Dance judge and pow-wow committee are informed. iCreeAzn will not be held responsible for any type of enforcement of the ballots
POSTING RESULTS - Results will be posted within 24hrs. Even though we suggest the powwow committee to approve posting top 10 broken down by session information, it is still the decision of the committee to advise us what we are allowed to post.
All information gathered by iCreeAzn belongs to the respected powwow committee. No information will be provided to anyone unless it is approved by the committee member in charge.
If the powwow doesn't want any posting of results, we will inform everyone on this page that no results will be posted
All tabulations and decisions made by the powwow committee are final.
Policies issued by iCreeAzn
Ray Seto, Co-Principal Stakeholder
The stɑl̓əw̓ pow-wow is a family friendly event. We want to create a safe environment for everyone where drugs, alcohol, harassment, abuse & discrimination of any kind are not tolerated.
stɑl̓əw̓ Arts & Cultural Society and the stɑl̓əw̓ pow-wow are not responsible for lost, stolen or damaged goods, injury or underfunded travellers!